My two current primary research interests are
the practical application of mnemonic (memory-enhancing) techniques to enhance classroom learning
how variations in mood are related to changes in sleep and other biopsychological markers.
Previous research of mine has involved studying animal models of epilepsy and the brain mechanisms of memory, emotion, and sleep.
The following equipment is available for use by students in research projects I supervise.
iWorx Psychophysiology Teaching Kit
Blood pressure
Skin and breath temperature
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Electrooculogram (EOG)
Electromyogram (EMG)
Galvanic skin response (GSR)
Muse EEG Headband
Commercially available
Relatively low cost
Easy to apply
Allows mobile recordings
In addition, we have a large number of other psychological measures, including neuropsychological tests.
Kate Johnson demonstrating the use of our psychophysiology equipment in the Psyc Lab.
A demonstration of our psychophysiology equipment was given at the 2019 Camosun Board of Governors meeting by my students Kate Johnson and Gabe Mara.