The MoL provides the primary basis (in combination with other mnemonic techniques) for allowing all of the memory-enhanced abilities of the world memory champions. The instructions listed in this Part explain how you can set up the MoL for later use.
– Think of a house you are very familiar with.
– E.g., your current home or the one you grew up in.
– Picture in your mind’s eye 10 locations in each of the first 2 major rooms you would enter into from the front door of that house.
– Imagine yourself walking through those rooms and seeing the objects that are in each of those locations.
– For each room, I’d recommend picturing a path that goes in a clockwise direction around the room before going to the center of the room and then finally the door to the next room (see diagram below).
Example locations for method of loci:
– Picture in your mind’s eye what each of your locations looks like.
– Practice this until you can rapidly recall the images of all 20 locations in their order along that path through those 2 rooms.